Case Study: Hiring a Real Estate Agent or Attorney for Assistance in Selling a House During Divorce

Case Study: Hiring a Real Estate Agent or Attorney for Assistance in Selling a House During Divorce


In this case study, we will explore the experiences of two couples, Sarah and Michael, and Emily and James, as they navigate the decision of whether to hire a real estate agent or an attorney for assistance in selling their house during their respective divorces. Each couple faces unique circumstances and must make an informed choice based on their specific needs and goals. Click here

Couple A: Sarah and Michael


Sarah and Michael have been married for ten years and jointly own a house. As they go through a relatively amicable divorce, they agree to sell the house and divide the proceeds equally. However, they have different perspectives on whether to hire a real estate agent or an attorney to handle the sale.

Option 1: Hiring a Real Estate Agent

Sarah believes that hiring a real estate agent is the most practical and cost-effective option. She reasons that a real estate agent can handle the marketing, showings, and negotiations, allowing them to focus on the emotional aspects of the divorce. She believes the agent’s expertise will ensure a smooth and successful sale.

Option 2: Hiring an Attorney

Michael, on the other hand, prefers hiring an attorney to handle the sale. He is concerned about potential legal issues that may arise during the transaction and wants to ensure that all legal aspects are addressed correctly. He believes that having an attorney’s guidance will protect their interests and prevent any disputes.


After discussing their preferences, Sarah and Michael decide to hire both a real estate agent and an attorney to ensure a comprehensive approach to selling their house. They recognize that the real estate agent’s expertise in marketing and negotiating will be invaluable, while the attorney’s guidance will provide legal protection and ensure a fair division of proceeds.

Couple B: Emily and James


Emily and James have been married for five years and are facing a more contentious divorce. They jointly own a house, but their differing opinions have made reaching an agreement challenging.

Option 1: Hiring a Real Estate Agent

Emily believes that hiring a real estate agent is the best option for a quick and efficient sale. She wants to move on from the property as soon as possible and believes that the agent’s expertise will attract potential buyers and secure a fair deal.

Option 2: Hiring an Attorney

James, however, is concerned about the financial implications of selling the house and believes that hiring an attorney is essential to protect his interests. He fears that Emily may not be transparent about the sale proceeds and wants to ensure a fair division of assets.


Emily and James initially disagree on the best approach but eventually decide to hire an attorney to mediate their negotiations. The attorney’s involvement helps them overcome their differences and come to an agreement on the division of proceeds and other financial aspects of the sale.


In this case study, we observed two couples, Sarah and Michael, and Emily and James, making different decisions on hiring a real estate agent or an attorney to assist in selling their house during their divorces. Each couple’s choice was influenced by their unique circumstances, including the level of cooperation in the divorce, financial concerns, and the desire for legal protection. Whether hiring a real estate agent, an attorney, or both, seeking professional assistance during a divorce sale can help navigate the process with greater ease and ensure a successful outcome. Find more here